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Janice Fronczak
Janice is an actress, director, drama therapist and playwright. A tenured Associate Professor of Theatre at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, she teaches acting and playwriting and directs main stage productions. She has directed and taught at various summer stock theatres such as the Center for Cultural Arts (COCA) in St. Louis University of Alaska Theatre for Young People (Anchorage), Theatre West, Brownville Village Theatre and the Blackhills Playhouse. She won a Directing Fellowship from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in 2003, is a theatre respondent for Region V KCACTF- member university theatre productions and was awarded the Mentor award from the UNK College of Fine Arts and Humanities in 2009.
As an acting teacher, Janice started writing twelve years ago as a result of her desire to find new and accessible monologues and scenes for her beginning and intermediate acting students of all ages and skill levels. Throughout that time, she obtained her MFA in Theatre Pedagogy from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, started three separate theatre programs including one at a women’s medium security prison, had eight of her short ten-minute plays published by Heuer Publishing, became a certified feng shui consultant and started work towards becoming a Registered Drama Therapist. Along with these unique life adventures, she soaked up every off-the-beaten-path unexpected chance meeting or quirky, memorable character to put into her mental file to show up later in her writing. Her full-length play, Corn Man, is slated to have its premiere production at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in Fall 2010. She has two screenplays, Adagio 3 and Galveston to her credit, waiting to be picked up by a lucky production company. Her latest attention has been rounding up her twelve-year collection of original monologues and formless scenes, titled Blue Food and Did You Kiss Me? to offer to the theatre world.
Works by Janice Fronczak on
A hot collection of 67 monologues and 16 scenes for acting exercises! Fresh, tried-and-true monologues and contentless scenes for actors of all ages, types and skills. Intriguing characters result from 50% real life and 50% imagination. Each character is someone you have either met, imagined or wished you had met. Actors will take to... read more

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